These days

Hoalah.. Lama sekali tak posting. Yea sekitar 6 bulanan mungkin, lebih malah. Haha. Maklum, mahasiswa, jadi harus sok sibuk dong hehe.

I've been through a lot of things which is good and bad. Like in all new places, they've always been an orientation, where you will meet new friends and also be the victim of senior's anger. It's bad, but brilliantly useful. We critically be trained to solve problems, and brick-to-brick helping each other. Ah.. Those moments..

Kuliah beda banget rasanya sama SMA. Pasti lah ya. Kalo sama, berarti masih SMA terus. Kalo dulu di SMA lebih banyak disuapin, atau setidaknya begitu yg saya rasakan, di sini engga, disuruh makan sendiri. Cuman disediain makan, ato mungkin lebih tepatnya makan bareng. Bahkan beberapa kasus memaksa kita cari makan sendiri. Keras memang, namun batu terkeras pun akan hancur jika terkena tetesan air yg terus menerus. Semangat!

Speaking about food, I'm now living in kos. This also a major change to my life because I always live in my home before (of course except on vacation). Oh mother, oh father, we live seperate now. Still, I come home at least once a week, usually on weekend. Just to greet, and have a "nutrition repair". You know, now I have to take care my money by myself, at least for a week. Sometimes, I just have to be thift and push me to eat only a small amount of food to survive the entire week. Feel's fun actually :-)

Yang paling parah adalah ujian, selalu. Boleh dibilang dulu belajar dengan "sistem kebut semalam" merupakan hal biasa. Ketika saya lakukan itu di kuliah, mati. Materi super banyak nan tak mudah menjadi faktornya. No wonder, you have stepped into a higher stairs, dude. Bahkan belajar sejak beberapa hari sebelumnya juga tak banyak membantu. Bantu, namun jauh lebih baik jika memahami semenjak awal. Baca, baca, baca, dan pahami. No more sistem kebut. Pasti bisa!

Of course I met new friends. They all felt different, knowing the facts that I stayed in the same location (school) for 14 years. That means there hadn't a lot of changes. Now, I came into a very new world and I've tried to not very shocked because when I do, I'll be stunned and dead. Lol. Fortunately, I get along with them. By the time, it's just shown their "natural" habit and what they really are, and it just seems good to have such good friends.

Kuliah = cari IP. Yea, tak IP maka tak kuliah. Degdegan moment is when wait for your grades to be published. Damn. Akan terasa sangat lega ketika mengetahui bahwa kita lulus pelajaran mematikan, tapi juga geregetan melihat nilai yang harusnya tidak segitu. Apapun, syukuri, prepare for the worst, at least you've tried your best, karena saya rasa semangat aja tidak cukup. Give it all, and you'll get what you worked out for. Salam sukses!


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